Essay on how to conduct elections during covid

Essay on how to conduct elections during covid

Here you will find an Essay on how to conduct elections during covid 19 pandemic. Since the elections have been postponed due to the covid, in this essay you will find necessity of elections during covid pandemic, challenges in conducting the elections during pandemic and the guidelines to be followed in conducting the elections during covid  pandemic.

Essay on how to conduct Elections during pandemic in Kannada

Essay on how to conduct Elections during pandemic in India

elections during covid

The spread of the Covid-19 epidemic worldwide has not only disrupted public life, it has also impacted almost all the sectors. The epidemic is unlikely to end anytime soon and living with this disease has become a necessity.

The process of restoring the system is being phased out step by step with the restart of economic activity and other essential services by following precautionary measures as the risk of virus is still present.

Public programs have disappeared after the pandemic. The coronavirus epidemic has become a major obstacle to holding worldwide elections. Most of the elections in the country have been postponed.

Are elections necessary during covid pandemic in India?

As still we have not gained complete control over the disease, whenever we hear about the Elections the question that comes to everyone is do we require Elections at this difficult time?

Many primary, by-elections, municipal, panchayath and state elections have been postponed due to the Covid crisis this year. As we know postponing the election is a temporary solution not a permanent solution, we need to think of a solution for this problem.

Although postponing elections can be legally justified in terms of public health concern but it is a threat to democracy. The delay of elections not only raises complex legal questions but also creates disputes between the ruling and opposition parties. In the future it can also lead to constitutional crisis.

In spite of the pandemic it is essential to conduct the elections for the development of the Nation.

Is it possible to hold elections in India during the covid pandemic in India?

It is really a challenge to hold elections in a country like India, which has the largest number of voters in the world. Since elections require intensive public communication and public meetings, precautionary measures such as maintaining social distance and crowding can essentially be a challenge in conducting the elections.

There are also instances where some countries have seen a large number of Covid cases since their election. Numerous countries have shown that it is possible to hold elections successfully by taking precautionary measures.

Challenges in conducting the elections during covid pandemic in India

  • One big concern is that holding an election during an epidemic can lead to low turnout. In contrast, some countries have seen lower turnout during the epidemic compared to their previous elections.
  • If the authorities and the Election Commission does not create awareness about the voting system and the precautionary measures taken during pandemic, many may step back from voting due to the fear or confusion about where and how to vote.
  • Another major problem is the spread of misinformation and misinformation about infectious disease. This can hamper electoral work and voting.
  • It can be a challenging task for the Election Commission to track and monitor all virtual political communication and election campaigns that occur simultaneously on multiple platforms. This may lead to the possibility of violating the code of conduct during the campaign.

conducting elections during covid

Guidelines for conducting elections during covid pandemic in India

  • Mask or face mask is mandatory at all times. Providing the disposable masks for those who are not wearing masks.
  • Restrictions on mass rallies and road shows. If a public meeting is to be held, it is necessary to limit the number of people with mandatory social distance. Conducting home based campaigns with limited activists etc.
  • For election campaigning, use of social media, virtual rallies and encouraging interaction with voters via the internet. Paying attention towards other alternatives for the election campaign.
  • Conducting thermal scanning of all voters before allowing them to enter the booth.  Having separate booths for those who are sick.
  • Increase the number of booths and limit the maximum number of people at each booth to avoid the crowd. Maintaining at least one meter distance between the individuals.
  • Extending election day voting period. By holding elections in many slots instead of holding them all in one day, many problems will be solved, including crowding and shortage of staff.
  • Guidelines for adequate supply of sanitizer, water and other essential items to ensure the safety of electoral staff and voters.
  • Disinfecting the booths on regular basis. Frequent cleaning of often touched surfaces. Conducting elections at broader areas such as stadiums can help to maintain social distance easily.
  • Providing separate voting option for those who are in Quarantine and Covid confirmed patients with proper restrictions and precautionary measures at the end of the day. Older and disabled voters should be encouraged to vote early in the day.
  • Providing special training for staff regarding the precautionary measures taken during voting and to make the voting program a success. Using ink cotton swabs to mark on voters fingers.
  • Sharing information and instructions through newspaper, social media, posters, banners, television and radio to create awareness about the voting and the precautionary measures taken at the time voting. This will give an idea for the voters regarding how the elections will be conducted and will encourage them to participate in the voting without fear.

By understanding the model that was adopted by other countries during the pandemic in successful management of elections, there is a need to come up with strict precautionary guidelines to prevent the spread of infection during elections and persuade voters to participate in elections. By adopting these methods it is possible to carry out elections successfully even in country like India during the covid pandemic.

Hope this essay on how to conduct elections during covid pandemic gives you an idea about the challenges in conducting the elections, necessity of the elections and the steps that need to be taken in successfully carrying out the elections.